Client Testimonials

“In a world of distraction, mindfullness is one of the practices for slowing down our lives, for finding a way inside, for concentrating self awareness.” Ram Dass
“My life has changed a lot since starting therapy. I have stronger relationships, getting enjoyment out of day-to-day life, and learning how to be kind to myself.”
“This process has helped me to re-frame the way I view myself. I have never felt more empowered. I understand myself and my triggers on a new level and this has brought me newfound peace in my life.”
“As a former therapy sceptic, when I arrived I was quite broken. However, this was exactly what I needed. Thank you for helping me make sense of my life after loss.”
“I was very nervous about starting therapy as it was such a new concept to me. I have come to really look forward to our weekly sessions. You have been a great support to me through a very difficult time.”
“You provide the right amount of challenge through your reflections, leading me to significant personal breakthroughs. Thanks to your gentleness I always feel held, supported and safe in our sessions.”
“I would have never imagined I would be where I am today when I began therapy. I’m so proud of everything I have achieved, and I am so grateful to you for helping me get here.”
“I knew I was ready for the counselling and I knew I was “stuck” with no idea how to move forward or what the future holds. You quickly worked out how to tailor to my needs and experience. I need plain speaking and no beating around the bush. Good rapport which of course is the critical thing in a therapeutic relationship…
You have a calm but incisive and kind manner and I was fully engaged and invested in the sessions. I was impressed with how much you remembered between sessions needing little recap. Time felt like it was spent well. Several lightbulb moments and I have run with those ideas which has been really positive. I was very comfortable throughout even digging into some rather unpleasant places…
I had been troubled by anxiety attacks – that has faded greatly I assume a function of becoming more comfortable within myself. I can now look to the future with at least curiosity, if not yet enthusiasm, rather than the dark fog which was all I could see. My expectations were exceeded by the sessions and I feel in a much better place. Thank you.”